Old Beams
Boards obtained from old reclaimed roof beams feature beautifully deep, warm colours, and cracks and splits that testify to their age. Processing (hand planed, sawn effect, irregular chamfered edges) and finishes (wax, oil, varnish) add value and charm to a naturally outstanding material, much sought after by architects and designers who want to create exclusive, original ambiences; it fits perfectly into modern, minimalist style decor, where old wood flooring creates a natural, harmonious and refined contrast.
Old Beams
Matt varnished
Old Beams
Worn effect
Old Beams
Hand planed and varnished
DENOVO WOOD SRL | Via Pordenone 51 | 33070 Brugnera (PN) Italia P.iva 01832290934 | mail info@denovowood.com | Tel. 0434 1758156 | Iscrizione al Registro delle imprese di Pordenone N°REA TN108042 | Capitale sociale I.V. 30.000 euro
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